Lion Fabricio Oliveira
International President 2024-2025
Visit the Lions International website for branding information (pin, program and more).
Make Your Mark
Everywhere we serve, every time we give, we bring kindness and compassion, change and hope. And we make our mark on the lives we touch, the communities we serve and the world we share.
Shaping Our Future
President Oliviera’s programs and initiatives will focus on four key priorities for Lions International that are critical to our mission of service.
- Growing our membership and clubs for greater impact
- Becoming stronger together through LCIF support
- Taking the next step as Lions and service leaders
- Capturing the imagination of our communities through great marketing
District Governor 2024-2025 | Lion Lyle Gustafson
Lyle is blessed with his lovely wife Jill, and their 2 children, Chad and Jason, and their 7 grandchildren. Lyle has been a lion for the past 11 years, and has served with Devon Lions as the President, and LCIF Coordinator. He also was Zone Chairperson, 1st & 2nd Vice District Governor, and is a Melvin Jones Fellow.
- EMT course from SAIT in 1986
- Trainer 3 for Scouts Canada
- Conflict Resolution for Scouts Canada
- Advanced Lions Leadership Institute
- Training for Youth Justice Committee
Skills & Abilities
- Ran my own company from 2001 to 2018, Swed-ee Water Hauling, delivering potable water to acreages in Devon area.
- Was part of the Devon Ambulance from 1984–1992 (1986 to 1992 as EMT-A)
- Has been Director of the Northern Lights Scout Foundation for the last 8 years
- Member of Scouts Canada since 1983, in various roles, from Cub Leader to District
Commissioner, Honors and Awards President, as well as a Mediator for the Northern Lights
Scouts Council - Was on the Youth Justice Committee for 3 years, for the Black Gold District
Other Awards Received
- Scouts Canada, Bar to the Silver Acorn. For outstanding service to Scouts Canada, obtained in 1977.
- Citizen of the Year in Devon
- Queen’s Jubilee Award
- Diamond Centennial – Lions
- 10-year Monarch Chevron – Lions
2024-2025 International Peace Poster/Peace Essay Contest
A Partnership that SAVES SIGHT!
In 2003, Lions Club members in Edmonton and across northern Alberta established the Lions Eye Research Fund (LERF) with the goal to support the Eye Institute of Alberta and the Department of Ophthalmology at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. Since then, the progressive collaboration between the Lions Clubs of Alberta and the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation has been successful in soliciting funding for priority equipment, education, and innovative programs.
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation and the LERF members are extremely pleased to announce that they submitted a Matching Grant Application to the Lions Clubs International Foundation in support of the newest and most advanced laser tool currently available, the Tango NEO SLT/YAG combination laser from Ellex.
Donations can be made directly to:
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
10240 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T5H 3V9
Please indicate in the cheque xmemo line: Ellex Tango Laser
Vision Screening Endorsed District C-1 Lions Project
Vision Screening has been endorsed as an ongoing District C-1 Lions project throughout the clubs in the district. A Plusoptix vision screening device has been received through a District and Community Impact Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) grant.
The purpose of the Plusoptix vision screening device is to empower Lions Clubs to detect the most prevalent vision disorders in children as early as possible. The earlier a vision disorder is detected the better it can be treated, and possibly prevented. Lions Clubs can conduct vision screening in children aged 6 months to 12 years by holding community events.
The vision screener device is relatively easy to use, and a great opportunity exists for clubs to meet young families in the community. Organizing the training, developing forms and protocols for District C-1 Lions clubs is underway. Once finalized, clubs will be advised and can signup for training.
It is very exciting to support children’s VISION – one of Lions Clubs International Global Causes!
For more information or to put your name on the list for training, contact:
District C-1 Eye Care – We Care Program
Lion Derwin Bartlett
District C-1 Vision Chairperson
Phone: 902-989-3805