District C-1 Awards

The following awards are available on a yearly basis for nomination to a fellow lion or community member.

Nomination Deadline will be in advance of the District C-1 Convention. Submission date and contact person to be announced at a future date.

MDC Hall Of Fame


  • Any Lion, Lions Club, Zone or Region may nominate a candidate from their District to the MDC Hall of Fame.
  • There is no nomination fee.
  • The awards will be presented to up to four (4) candidates, a maximum of two (2) per District, inducted into the Hall of Fame each year.
  • The District Governor must receive nominations at least 45 days prior to the District’s Annual Convention.
  • Each individual District will hold an election to determine the successful candidate(s).
  • The award may be presented posthumously.
  • Each candidate must have 15 years of service and not be a member of the current Council of Governors.
  • Each candidate should have qualifications above and beyond the call of duty including social and human endeavors. He/She should be of good moral character and have a good reputation in his/her community.
  • All sponsors shall use the standard MDC nomination form. No other application formats will be accepted.
  • The sponsor(s) will ensure the candidate, or a representative, will attend the Multiple District Convention.
  • All successful candidates will be inducted to the Hall of Fame at the next MDC Convention.
  • The presentation of the MDC Hall of Fame Awards is the responsibility of the MDC Council Chairperson.
  • A brief biography of each inductee shall be announced to the delegates attending the Annual MDC Convention and published in the subsequent MDC Newsletter.
  • The District Governor of each District will be responsible to ensure that the MDC Hall of Fame Application Form, Candidate’s bio and photograph are supplied to the MDC office at least one month prior to the MDC convention.

District C-1 Citizen Of Distinction


To bring recognition to a deserving citizen living within the boundaries of Lions District
C-1. The program will also raise the profile of Lions Clubs International.

Who will be recognized?

The Lions District C-1 Citizen of Distinction will be selected from those persons who demonstrate a personal commitment to service. Service shall be broadly defined and may include, but not be limited to, work with youth, seniors, handicapped, the needy, support for global initiatives, or humanitarian service through governments or other agencies. Lions are ineligible to be considered for this award.

How will he/she be selected?

  • All Lions clubs within District C-1 shall be encouraged to submit a resume of a deserving individual to the selection committee. (Clubs may wish to conduct a local program within their community). Individuals and agencies may submit resumes for those they consider deserving of this prestigious recognition.
  • Submissions from Lions clubs, individuals, and agencies may be made in memory of someone who is deceased.     
  • The deadline for submissions to be received is November 25. Submissions shall be valid only for the year in which they have been submitted.

Selection Committee

The committee shall be made up of: District C-1 District Governor (chair), a Past International Director, and the District C-1 Awards Chairperson.

What is the recognition

Public recognition of the individual and their cause will be emphasized. A biography will be provided and the recipient will be named a Melvin Jones Fellow. Every effort should be made to have press/TV coverage. If that should not be practical, the District C-1 Public Relations chairperson shall ensure that news outlets are notified.

Funding requirements

Funds to purchase a Melvin Jones Fellowship to come from District C-1 and will be a budgeted item.

Where and When

The presentation will be made annually at the District C-1 Convention.

Dr. Lynn G. Hall Leadership Award for Outstanding Leadership in Lionism

This award was established in 1997 in recognition of the outstanding Leadership qualities as were displayed by the late Lion Dr. Lynn G. Hall. Lion Lynn was a member of various clubs for over 50 years and also served as District Governor 1952-53 and 1975-76. Always quick to step forward, no matter what the project, he was a leader by example. He was an active participant in many a fundraiser and a great Lion. Lion Lynn exemplified what Lions is all about. His professional life including teaching, school superintendent, school inspector, provincial director of school administration as well as serving as Mayor of Lac La Biche and Councilor of Wainwright.

Award Criteria

  1. A Lions member in good standing with a Lions club for a minimum of 10 years
  2. A Lion who has demonstrated continuous leadership for a minimum of three (3) years
  3. A Lion whose leadership may be at the community, club, district or International level or a combination thereof

Application Criteria

  1. Application may be made by a Lions member in good standing within District C-1.
  2. A letter is to be written which includes the following
    • Name of award applied for
    • Name of the Lion
    • Name of the club
    • When the Lion became a member
    • Commitment to Lions based on the above criteria
    • Biography of applicant, (marital status, family, interests, etc.)

District C-1 Youth Activities Award

The District Governor will make the decision on the club that is to be presented with the award based upon the following criteria. To be eligible for this award, a Club must have done at least six of the following in the Lions year:

  1. Participated in Lions Youth Exchange through their club member or members personally hosting a youth exchange student
  2. Provided a financial contribution to the District C-1 Youth Exchange Program or the Multiple District C Youth Exchange Program
  3. Sponsored youth(s) to travel on a Lions Youth Exchange or attend a Lions Youth Camp.
  4. Participated in or financially supported Lions Quest Canada
  5. Participated in or financially supported at least two local youth organizations such as Scouts, Girl Guides, minor hockey, minor ball, minor soccer or other organized and recognized non-profit youth groups
  6. Provided financial support to the District C-1-and District 306A1 Sri Lanka Foster Child Program
  7. Made a financial contribution to Camp He Ho Ha
  8. Made a financial contribution to Camp Tamarack
  9. Sponsored a new LEO club in their community
  10. Provided funds to purchase equipment for children who have special medical needs
  11. Participated in the Peace Poster Contest
  12. Participated and/or financially supported Project Pride