Executive Summary of the Council of Governors meeting July 25th and 26th, 2015
The first Council meeting of the 2015-2016 Lionistic year was held in Calgary at the Lions Village.
Approved the allowing of the 1st and 2nd VDG’s to make and second motions during Council meetings. The minutes of 1st Council meeting of MD 37 were approved for information purposes only.
Approved the capping the daily meal allowance at $75.00 CDN with receipts.
Approved the setting up of a $10,000 convention reserve fund to be used to offset any loses in future MD conventions.
Approved the budget for 2015-2016
Approved the expenditures made prior to the start of 2015-2016 Lionistic year that this year’s Council needed to expend to allow a smooth transition from MD 37 to MD C
Approved the keeping of the Multiple District dues at the same level ($US11) as previously used in MD 37, by using a Canadian/USA exchange rate as of July 1, 2015 which was 1.2728 or $14.00 Canadian and the notification of the clubs of this decision.
Approved the elimination of an extra US saving and Canadian chequing bank accounts.
Approved the use of the MD C expense form for all Council expenses.
Approved, for a one year trial basis, to allow the clubs and districts to make use of the MD printing facilities.
Committee reports were accepted for information purposes only.
Approved PDG Sharron West and PDG Les Storch as the MD C – GLT liaisons
Approved the methodology needed to transfer the monies from the Lions Eye Bank (Alberta) funds to the Lions of Alberta Foundation.
Approved the continuation of the fellowships for Judge Brian Stevenson, Bill Webber, Jack and Denise Isaman, Dr Patti Hill, Jack Dobush and Dr Greg Powell
Endorsed PID Dr Patti Hill for the position of International Vice President.
Approved the use of a banner patch by STARS.
Approved the creation of a MD C hall of fame and master and senior awards.
Approved PDG Bob Hunter to apply for a Centennial grant.
Next Council meeting will be an on-line meeting on August 16, 2015
Bill Baux, CC