Dear Lions,
The District Global Action Team would like to invite you to participate in training on January 27, 2023 prior to the start of the District C-1 Convention. The training will be in-person.
We encourage you to register and plan to arrive early for the Convention and take part in either the Guiding Lion Training or the Lions Account/ MyLion Report Training.
Guiding Lion Training
- January 27, 2023 – 9:30am to 3:30pm
- NO CHARGE – lunch included
- Registration Required – for lunch numbers
- Complete Registration Form; email to
- Norsemen Inn Camrose
What is the Guiding Lion Training:
The Guiding Lion Program is designed to assist clubs that are newly chartered, established or rebuilding. Guiding Lions are assigned for a two-year term by the district governor in consultation with the sponsoring or established club president. Guiding Lions are limited to serving no more than two new clubs at any point in time.
Guiding Lions assist a club to:
- Be successful in its first two years of operation
- Orient and train club officers and members
- Motivate and support club growth and development
- Locate resources available to assist the club
Lions Account/ MyLion Report Training
- January 27, 2023 – 1:30 to 3:00pm
- Registration Encouraged as space is limited
- Complete Registration Form; email to
- Bring your Ipad, tablet or Laptop so you can work/learn on your own device.
- Have your Lions Account log in with you to facilitate learning.
- Norsemen Inn Camrose
What is the Lions Account/ My Lion Report Training:
If you answer YES to any of the following questions, this training is for you.
- Are you having difficulty accessing your Lion Account?
- Are you having difficulty reporting your clubs service activities?
- Do you have challenges entering member information or reporting or updating your clubs membership data?
This will be a hands-on learning session. Plan to arrive early for the convention and register to attend. The convention registration desk will open after the completion of the session.